quinta-feira, janeiro 08, 2004

forever breathes the lonely word

Vem uma pessoa a usufruir a placidez que lhe oferece a 2ª Circular e o IC 19 pela manhã, a contemplar o bando de aves que subvoam o céu nublado (por que terão elas acordado tão cedo e o que andarão a fazer lá em cima, em grupo?), a apreciar os reflexos do óleo depositado no alcatrão molhado pela chuva miudinha, a desviar-se dos cadáveres de cães e gatos encostados ao bonito separador de betão da estrada, quando, de repente - zás! -, a Voxx entende lembrar-nos que o melhor da nossa vida já passou.
E passa muitas músicas dos Felt.

I was feeling the strain of 20 years
I was saying well this is all there is
I was seeing my blood it dripped like tears
I was counting the cost of all my fears
So you wanted to be like me to be seen
So you wanted to rise from your darkest dream
So you wanted to be the things that I've been
Well let me tell you something
It's not what it seems
Let me give you advice
Hang onto your dreams

(Down But Not Yet Out)

Maybe I should entertain
The very fact that I'm insane
I wasn't fooling when I said
All the people I like are those that are dead
I've been around this town and I've seen what god has done
I've been around and it's no fun
I've been a two-timer/tearaway god has told me so
But I don't believe in him you know
Don't make me a martyr for our causes
'Cause I don't believe a word that you said
All the people I like are those are dead

(All The People I Like Are Those That Are Dead)

I will be the first person in history
to die of boredom
and I will have as my epitaph
the second line of 'black ship in the harbour'
I'll rest this case
condemn my race
I'll stab a knife into the face
of any man who dares to oppose me


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